Support the moral, social, cultural and economic uplift of orphaned, unwanted, abandoned and poor children around the world.
Support the poor, helpless, elderly, disabled, and people affected by natural disasters and wars around the world without any distinction of country, region, race, caste, color, and religion.
Organize economic assistance for such individuals.
Produce, print, publish, and distribute books and literature for the fulfillment of above said aims and objects.
Ensure the purpose of this society shall be non-political, non-religious and shall be carried out in an exclusively charitable manner.
Mamta Foundation of Canada
Volunteering is the backbone of Mamta
We could never achieve what we do without their unfaltering commitment of time, support, skills, creativity and knowledge generously shared by so many.
How to Donate the Gift of Hope
Make a donation to Mamta Foundation of Canada and make a profound difference in people’s lives and the quality of life we all enjoy. Read more..
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