Volunteers are the backbone of Mamta. We could never achieve what we do without their unfaltering commitment of time, support, skills, creativity and knowledge generously shared by so many. Our organizations purpose has and will continue to carry out its mission without the interest of gain for its members, officers and directors. Any profits or other accretions of the society shall be used exclusively in the interest of promoting its purpose.
•How to Donate the Gift of Hope
Make a donation to Mamta Foundation of Canada and make a profound difference in people’s lives and the quality of life we all enjoy.
When you make a charitable donation to Mamta Foundation of Canada you are helping break the cycle of poverty for young children, ensuring school-age children are making the right choices in life and helping isolated seniors stay connected to their communities. You are helping us build a stronger community locally and internationally for everyone.
Please watch the documentary and see the difference your generosity has made to Unique Home, Jyoti Sarup Kanya Asra Society and Prabh Aasra. The new building site for Unique Home is currently well under construction. Unique Home, Jyoti Sarup Kanya Asra Society and Prabh Aasra needs your help. There is no minimum amount, whatever you like to donate, would be greatly appreciated.
Every month we will publish the names list of all donors on this site. We will update you with all the progress made with your donations on this site. We will also post the confirmation letter from Unique Home, Jyoti Sarup Kanya Asra Society and Prabh Aasra indicating that the donations were received.
There are many ways to donate to Mamta Foundation of Canada, please choose the option that best suits your needs.
•Single donation paid by cheque or money order to Janta Sewak Society, 12877 76A Avenue, Unit 108, Surrey, BC V3W 1E6
•Single donation using your credit card through Paypal. It’s safe, secure and protected.
•Re-occurring donation with a set monthly withdrawal from your bank account. You will be required to provide a void cheque. This option is only available for individuals residing in Canada.
•Re-occurring donation using postdated cheques.
Corporate Sponsorship